Ugh, I spend too much time with a computer these days; when I'm home, my laptop is reduced to a mere DVD player (but my, what a DVD player!) and the internet just doesn't seem an interesting enough time waster.
So I'm writing from work instead, and ignoring pesky customers.
The work of which I'm referring to is of course the Traverse Box Office, which I've been residing in throughout this year's festival. Jolly good fun so it is, though bloody busy. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to start looking very seriously for a proper job sooner than I thought, as the hours I'm going to get post-festival are depressingly few. We'll see - the hunt starts now.
Well, sort of now, I'm at work y'know, and I've got a blog to rattle out.
As is probably inferred from me working in Edinburgh, I am now living in Edinburgh! Fookin' brilliant so it is, properly enjoying myself. With Conor, Dave and Ted (the cat) as flatmates, things are pretty sweet, I love my as-yet-undecorated room (though I do have the giant head of Michael C Hall watching over me, so that's ok) - I will give you a guided tour of the flat in good time, revealing the incredible secret fourth floor of Falcon Heights.
This all means however that I've now left the Byre. Very sad face. I was sorry to leave, and probably would've been happy to stay if it wasn't for my itching desire to leave home and St. Andrews, to seek fame and fortune (ha) in the big city. It was an excellent night out for my leaving do, and a lovely way to send off three years of happy employment.
Annoyingly, I'm still paying off the debt I put myself in by buying that HD video camera, but unable to use it because I left the cables in Fife... But once they are reunited, I'm hoping to make a few silly bits with Dave, so this page will likely look less like a dump site for impersonal youtube videos in the coming months.
Well, I say likely, I mean, well, there's so much good tv to watch, so...
11 years ago