I'm finding it difficult to connect with the internet at the moment. Not that there's anything wrong with the flat's connection; on the contrary, it's certainly the best set up I've personally had, and it's not like I'm not making use of the bandwidth or what-have-you. This social networking thing though, and generally keeping up to date with email correspondance, is something I'm clearly not getting into anymore.
Strange maybe, seeing as I was pretty keen on it previously (though admittedly I remember holding a somewhat snobbish disregard for it to begin with). I suspect that initial love affair with facebook and blogging had much to do with me having just left school and an eagerness to keep in touch with a network of friends that had now dispersed across the country. Cut to a few years later, and those school era friendships have been filtered by time and lack of effort, and most of the people in the world who I care to speak to I either work with, live with, go to university with, or hang out with on a weekly, if not daily, basis; not much need for online networking anymore.
Nevertheless, I'm trying, vainly, to get back into the habit now that I've moved to Edinburgh, away from uni, away from work and away from home, and I'm now realising just how incontactable I actually am.
I'm well aware that it is myself that doesn't make it easy for others - after all, I rarely carry my phone about with me, and when I do, I refuse to reply to texts until a time that suits me (and that's when I have credit). In my defense, my phone habits are borne from an mildly OCDish paranoia of what thing is in which pocket and how secure it is in there. That, and how it's just easier to be carrying as little as possible. And that I am quietly annoyed by people who text while in conversation with me. And that people who want to know who and what you are texting really piss me off, so I just don't bother.
Excuses, excuses. Fact is, I need to get on top of keeping in touch, because there are plenty of people that are clearly making more of an effort, and I'd like to meet them halfway.
11 years ago
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