
Questions For Other People

Alright, I've got my questions for Suzi and Dave, who both requested for me to interview them. 
I hope you like them!  If you fancy firing questions back at me, I'd be happy to give them answers.

Questions for Suzi

1. What is the most recent thing you've put off longer than is really necessary or appropriate, and why?

2. It's 2019, you're 31 years old, where would you hope to be by then?  How determined are you to make this reality?

3. Aside from the odd chance meeting, I've not seen you for over 2 years.  How different, if at all, do you think you are since we last properly hung out?  

4. What's the nicest compliment you've received recently about you (as opposed to a compliment about something you've done). 

5. By your reckoning, am I, Gordon Strachan, going to hell, and why/ why not?

Questions for Dave

1. Why a career following art, and not science?

2. I can't help noticing that people can't help noticing that your hair is ginger - how do you feel about being subject to one of Britain's most accepted discriminations?

3. You can't do anything about it, what's done is done... But using my time machine, I can let you revisit three moments in your life (as an unseen, inconsequential observer, of course).  Five minutes ago, or five minutes old, it's up to you; what scene demands an audience with you-right-now?

4. Who would play you in a film?  This may well have two answers, so: who'd have the easiest time looking the part, and who'd have the easiest time playing the part?

5. What man-made structure, inside or out, could hold its own when compared to the sight of a good sunrise?  Would it win?


Gordon Strachan said...

Before anyone asks, why can you only time-travel three times? Well, any more and it will cause uncontrollable flatulence. So there.

Be My Distraction said...

Go on then Gordon, Ask me 5 Questions :)

Davus said...

Check me blog for some interview questions for you.

Keir said...

5 Questions for Strachan:

1. What is the best thing you've ever been called (either an adjective, title or nickname) and why was it the best?

2. If you decided your life's ambition was to make a "porno with a real storyline" what would the storyline be?

3. If you could be any animal, except a badger, what animal would you be?

4. You found a cult called "Gordonism", what are your five commandments?

5. Which experience that you disliked at the time would you say retrospectively was the most positive (in terms of character-building or learning or whatever)?

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